
Downloadthebestto-dolist,notes,andmindmapappforMac,Windows,iOS,Android,Chromebook,andmore.FreeonlineintheAppStore.,2019年5月9日—下載Taskade(Windows/Mac/Android/iOS/Chrome/Firefox:https://www.taskade.com/downloads.將待辦事項加入GoogleCalendar.之前列清單只有一種 ...,2020年5月11日—Everwantedtoopenmultipleprojectsandworkspacesallatonce?We'veaddedtheabilitytoopenmultipletabsinMacandWindows!,Taskade...

Download Taskade for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and ...

Download the best to-do list, notes, and mind map app for Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Chromebook, and more. Free online in the App Store.

Julia says

2019年5月9日 — 下載Taskade (Windows/ Mac/ Android/ iOS/ Chrome/ Firefox: https://www.taskade.com/downloads. 將待辦事項加入Google Calendar. 之前列清單只有一種 ...


2020年5月11日 — Ever wanted to open multiple projects and workspaces all at once? We've added the ability to open multiple tabs in Mac and Windows!


Taskade is a lightweight note-taking and task manager. Make notes, create to-do lists and more then share your creations with others with this free add-on.


Taskade 是一款針對遠端團隊的一體化協作平台。透過任務清單、心智圖和視訊聊天釋放團隊生產力。為您的團隊創造完美的工作流程。 500+ 模板。 網站: taskade.com.


2020年3月25日 — Features. Taskade is the simplest way to get things done in one unified workspace. Taskade is a real-time organization and collaboration tool ...


2022年8月26日 — Team task lists, notes, and video chat. Get work done faster and smarter with Taskade.


欢迎使用新的Taskade 应用程序,它现在配备了更多人工智能超能力!探索Taskade AI,它是您团队的第二大脑,可将生产力提升到新的高度。即时访问人工智能支持的聊天、 ...

Taskade: AI

Discover Taskade, the AI-powered productivity platform for you and your teams. Unlock the power of generative workflows, task automation, ...